We promise to exceed the needs of the curly, coily & tight-textured masses & to offer access to our best hair in our own bathroom (or someone else’s).
We promise to embrace, love & celebrate our community & the gorgeous hair we have.
We promise to empower curl patterns & meet them where they are.
We offer superior hydration.
We promise to use safe ingredients & deliver high-performing products.
We believe hair doesn’t have a gender or race.
Our content, our product development & our messaging are centered around the celebration of Black beauty & Black joy.
We are Black-owned
& Black founded.

May we support the
curliest, coiliest & tightest
of hair textures.
May we embrace, love & celebrate our community
& the gorgeous hair we have.
May we know our hair is strong.
May we know our strands are flexible.
May we know our texture is resilient.
May we know our patterns are magic.
May our hair live its best life.

Our vision is for all to know the inherent worthiness of Blackness.
Shop your favorite products, tools & accessories at

PATTERN supports democracy, freedom & human rights through organizations that empower women & people of color. We are committed to exploring new ways to support initiatives that are leading in this transformative work. Learn more here
The Pattern Beauty Community's Impact
1% of every Pattern Beauty purchase is donated to a nonprofit of your choice.
Check out the impact the Pattern Beauty community is making below.